Andrew Hall's English Page
Monday, February 28, 2005

102 students: Our midterm is on Wednesday and Thursday, depending on your respective classes. Bring a few pens and paper.

I will have you respond to a short article.

This will take roughly 45 minutes and will be 1-2 pages in length double spaced. (300-500 words approximately)

If you are absent and miss the midterm, the initial grade for project 3 will stand as the midterm grade.

Those that take the midterm in class will be able to revise the midterm for Project 3 and the revised project 3 will count as both midterm and project 3 grades, unless by some bizarre circumstance, you do better on the initial midterm than project 3.

Either way, as long as you are there Wednesday, you will be able to revise it, and improve it for the final portfolio. The Midterm and Project three will be a common subject for everyone!

I can't give it away yet, but the subject matter will be light (relatively).

All students:

check out www.lvslam.net for a link to a calendar of current poetry events in the Las Vegas area.
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
232 essay assignment
Due Saturday, May 7

Your essay will require you to write 3+ pages, double-spaced and typed on any of the following options:

1. Compare and contrast a work in our text books with another work in our book, or in popular culture (film, books, TV, music, etc.) Explore the themes and structures and point out the personal and cultural applications or significance of both or multiple works.

2. Investigate a character of a work that we have read. Write a psychological profile or mini biography. What is their motivation, what sort of information might we infer from the text as to the back-story?

3. Take a theme like racism, gender, oppression, love, freedom, etc... and explain its role in one or more works we have read this semester.

4. Write a story or essay based on any of the works we've read. It could be an alternate universe. Use some information from the original story or essay.

You will cite any information from the Anthology by pointing to the author and page # i.e. (Behn 311). Any other sources whether it is a film, personal interview, book, journal, etc, need to be cited parenthetically and in a works- cited list according to MLA style. Neglecting MLA will result in a drastically reduced grade. Plagiarizing will result in a failing grade.

You will be graded 75% on content of writing and the depth of your work, and 25% on grammar, punctuation and other technical concerns. I will be basing the grade at a B level for a good, well done paper. An A level paper will be on the level of writing and overall work equal to the sample paper I will show in the St. Martin's handbook.


*Write in the first person or third person, or even second person. Know when to use when.

*Visit the Writing Center if you have any concerns about the paper FDH 240, 895-3908

*Have fun!


*Worry about length. Go as short or as long as you want, although keep in mind that I won't be partial to longer work, or forgiving of underdeveloped work. Aim for 3-5 pages.

* Wait until the last minute. You can get it done and even visit the writing center before hand.

*Turn it in late. I will reduce the grade of any late papers by one letter grade.
English 102 Project 2Research and Analysis
Taking your first paper, you will expand on this topic. You will do some research and bring in vital elements of logic, expert opinion, and emotional appeal into your paper. You may still be undecided or have taken an initial position, (i.e., John was a better songwriter than Paul), but now you are going to look at research on both sides.
You will bring in 4 sources into this paper. You will quote or paraphrase each source at least once. You may use websites and other sources, but at least one book should be used, and one journal/magazine article as well. Keep in mind that you should seek out sources on both sides of the argument. You should try and find credible sources on both sides. If your paper is not controversial in nature, then you should still try and find a wide variety of angles on the subject.
You will be graded on overall content and technical concerns just like the first project but also you will be required to integrate your quotes and paraphrases properly, and use MLA to cite your sources parenthetically in the text of the paper and at the end of the paper in the work cited list.
In terms of MLA layout and format, my main concern is that the citations and bibliography, (In Text and Work Cited) be done properly.
In terms of format:
*you should have at least 5 pages
*double-spaced (10 or 12 font)*name and page # on top of each page
*either a cover page or a heading with title on first page
*final draft should be labeled and on top, peer review and rough draft below.

Rough Draft Due__In Section 6 and 25 on March 7, in Section 64 on March 3

Final Copy Due___In Section 6 and 25 on March 9, in Section 64 on March 10
Monday, February 21, 2005
An enjoyable article satirizing our plight as academics


Coming up this week

102: Fun with MLA, Project/paper 2 assigned.

232: The poetry of Wordsworth, Dickinson, Ghalib, and more. We will finish up Dostoevsky

See you in the wild wacky world of the class room!

Don't forget to bring the journals. scroll down/ check the archives for more ideas.

PS. The journals remain confidential, unless you choose to share them with your classmates.
Thursday, February 17, 2005
English 232

for 2/19

We are going to discuss Cao Xegeun and Dostoevsky.

For the former we should pay attention to myth and religion and cultural differences. For the latter, we will discuss the concepts of "hero" and "anti-hero." Both works have a lot to say in regards to the philosophical discussion. Also, I will hand out and discuss guidelines for our term paper.

See you soon!
Friday, February 11, 2005
English 232 folks

Here is a link to a short classic work by Swift, many of you may have already read it in high school. You may also find other sections of Gulliver's Travels on the internet as much of it is public domain. See you tomorrow!

Monday, February 07, 2005
ENG 232 Swift Links

This is a resource site with timeline and links


and this one is a lecture posted by a Canadian Scholar. See if you agree with it.


English 102 students: Your papers are due this week on Wednesday and Thursday respectively depending on your section. You will be signing up for a conference as well for next week. We won't have classes. You will just meet with me for 10 minutes next week (2/14-17).

English 232 students: On the 12th, we will be discussing Swift, Rousseau, De Sade, Wollstonecraft and Cao Xeugen. I will post a link later this week to some supplemental info on Swift.

All students: Here are some journal ideas for your consideration. These are all optional, but if you are having trouble writing about stuff, this may help: 102 students, put in your 3rd person autobiography. 232 Students, write a 1-2 page 3rd person autobiography. Include your past, present and future.

Write some reviews- Your top 10 favorite films and why?
top 10 albums and why?
top 10 concerts and why?
top 10 books and why?

Imagine yourself 5 years from now. Where do you see yourself?

Write about a spiritual or religious experience that you've had or seen: Baptism, Communion, Bar Mitzvah, Burning Man Festival etc...

Make a few restaurant reviews.
List and describe the 10 Best clubs or bars.

Who is sexier: Jeff Gordon or Serena Williams? Why.

Write about the paper you are writing.

Write about your Family History.

Respond to Ann Coulter or Ted Rall (www.yahoo.com (news/op-ed)).

Write about your favorite tv show.

Write about a good or bad teacher you've had.

Write a syllabus for a class you'd love to teach.

Respond to any essay or story in the book.

Cut and paste song lyrics that you like and explain the meaning and significance to you.

Mars is about to attack Earth, what happens...

Write a platform for your political party

Write a statement about why you are a conservative, liberal, libertarian, etc...

Write a rant. I.e. "This is what is wrong with America..."

Write about the best date you ever had, or the worst date, or the dream date, or the nightmare date.

Make character sketches, or biographies of your family and friends.

Write about frustrations at work.
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
Students from both 232 and 102 classes

This is an address for local poetry readings


I approve of the Sunday night one at Starbucks
the poetry slams held the first and third Mondays at the Coffee Bean
and the Thursday Night readings at the Coffeebean.

Also, the third Friday of every month is The Poet's Corner at the West Las Vegas Library.

There is also the monthly reading at Sweet Georgia Brown's

These last two are heavily inspired by the Black Arts movement of the 1960s.

These slams and open mics are usually somewhat entertaining. Stay for an hour, get enough material to write a 2 page summary and response. The first person point of view is fine.

I will mention some readings coming up on campus by poets and fiction writers.

Sorry, but Morgan Spurlock, Mo Rocca and General Clark lectures don't count in my book as poetry, although they might be useful if you are writing about issues related to what they have to say.
English 102 Students
Project 1 due next week.

The base grade for our course will be B, rather than C. That means, if you fulfill my expectations, all graded papers will be graded with a B. From there, it can either go up to B+, A- or A depending on the level of cogency, content, fluidity, etc.
A B is a good grade. It can also be lowered by lack of length (development of ideas), grammar and punctuation errors, spelling, etc... awkwardness of language, biased overtones (left or right), etc.
with the later papers, failure to include an MLA bibliography and paranthetical citiation will result in an F.
Keep in mind that by turning in the paper on time, you are eligible for portfolio revision which means that a B on the initial paper can be potentially improved with effort.
Topic ideas:
From Film
Racism- American History X, Malcolm X, A Day Without a Mexican, Born in East L.A.
War: Paths of Glory (Kubrick) Dr. Strangelove (Kubrick) The Fog of War, Casablanca
Fame: Almost Famous, Zelig, Citizen Kane
Religion: Passion of the Christ, The Last Temptation of Christ, Kundun, Shadowlands
Politics: Farhenheit 911, Fahrenhype 911, Outfoxed, Seven Samurai, Searchers, Contact
Violence in American culture- Bowling for Columbine, Fight Club, The Postman (Costner)
Obesity- Supersize Me
Love and Battle of the Sexes: When Harry Met Sally, Sideways, Groundhog's Day, Adam's Rib, The Quiet Man, Rooster Cogburn, The Lion in Winter
Adolescence: Ferris Buhler's Day Off, The Breakfast Club, Rushmore
Living and Dying: On Golden Pond, Harold and Maude, Big Fish, Secondhand Lions, Forrest Gump, The World According to Garp, Vanilla Sky, Il Postino.

Satire: Spinal Tap, Waiting For Guffman, A Mighty Wind, Best in Show

Abortion: The Ciderhouse Rules
other Broad topics:
Marijuana Legalization
Death Penalty
Child Abuse
Yucca Mountain
Nuclear Testing
Gun Control
sex and abstainence education
gaming and god
culture wars between Christians and seculars
Rap Music and Eminem
Michael Jackson
Evolution teaching in schools
prayer in schools
Public funding of sport stadiums
censorship of lyrics
academic freedom
grade inflation
binge drinking
freedom of religion
freedom of speech
Lenny Bruce
Whoopi Goldberg
Andy Kaufman
Camille Paglia
The Godfather
American Idol
Johnny Carson
space exploration
Conservativism, liberalism, libertarianism
America in the 21st century
Suvs and pollution
gas prices
title ix
Sexual Harassment
Political correctness and politeness
George Carlin
Woody Allen

public transportation
The Who

Also, consider writing about an issue in your major-

Keep in mind that you should be undecided on the issue
if you are heavily biased towards one side, your paper will be one sided and will suffer.
One student wrote about Child Abuse in relation to the church and the recent sex abuse scandals, another wrote about a controversy in the restaurant industry surrounding Foie Gras.
How would I turn something like The Who into a research topic?
I could examine the historical controversies surrounding drug use and destruction of equipment. I might argue that Tommy is a work of art comparable to Carmen, or Porgy and Bess.
later I could look at what critics have to say about Townshend, the death of Keith Moon, Townshend's other projects. I would have to make an argument beyond that the who is good, but that Rock Music is downplayed in academia, making a case that The Who deserves as much recognition as Shakespeare.

Have fun!
English 232 Students:
I put the Achebe essay on electronic reserve. Go to www.library.nevada.edu and then check out the page for course reserves. It should be under my name or Eng 232. It may take a few days for it to be scanned in and included, so be patient. The reading is optional.
There is an interview with Caryl Phillips from Feb 22, 2003 published in the Guardian Review under the title "Out of Africa" that can be found at:
also optional, but you may want to read the Achebe article first as Phillips is responding to Achebe's critique of "Heart of Darkness."
Keep in mind that criticism is not meant to limit your interpretation of any given work, but represents an angle of understanding the context, the scope, and other issues as relates to our contemporary world.
We will discuss Kant, Swift and Mon'Zaemon on Saturday.

English students, I have created this page for your convenience. I will post assignments and handouts here. You can cut and paste and print them out. You should scroll down using the dates of our current semester. There will also be a copy of the syllabus posted early. Remember, if you are absent, you should call a classmate to find out what you missed that day. You are responsible for all assignments.

01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004 / 02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004 / 03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004 / 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004 / 05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004 / 01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005 / 02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005 / 03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005 / 04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005 / 08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005 / 09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005 / 09/01/2007 - 10/01/2007 / 12/01/2008 - 01/01/2009 /

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